Manage Your Search

TabiTab Search Manager is the first Chrome extension that enables you to switch search engines easily through the options page and to change your default search to your own custom URL.

Your download is ready!
Please click "Add" to finish the installation

Install the newtab extension that will change your newtab. Accepting the sponsored offer would change your current browser's newtab settings and enable you to enjoy amazing features directly from your newtab.

Please click "Allow" and than click "Install"
to finish the installation

Install the newtab extension that will change your newtab. Accepting the sponsored offer would change your current browser's newtab settings and enable you to enjoy amazing features directly from your newtab.

Your download is ready!
Please click "Add" to finish the installation

Install the DS extension that will change your default search settings. Accepting the sponsored offer would change your current browser's default search settings and enable you to enjoy easy search access.

Please click "Allow" and than click "Install"
to finish the installation

Install the DS extension that will change your default search settings. Accepting the sponsored offer would change your current browser's default search settings and enable you to enjoy easy search access.